Receive your birth allowance
as early as possible

      • Benefit from your birth allowance promptly (€1340,90*)
      • The guarantee of fast and punctual payments of
        all your family benefits on time.
      • No administrative work to do.
      • Be fully informed of all your benefits.
        *As a resident of Brussels you are entitled to this amount of money for your first child (the amount is 609,50 € for each subsequent child).

Sweet, you’re expecting a baby


In Brussels you are entitled to 1340,90 € (first child) or 609,50 € (from the 2nd child on). It takes only a few minutes.
Do not delay in doing this!

Receive your birth allowance
as early as possible

      • Benefit from your birth
        allowance promptly (€1314,61*)
      • The guarantee of fast and punctual payments of
        of all your family benefits on time.
      • No administrative work to do.
      • Be fully informed of all your benefits.
        *(As a resident of Brussels you are entitled to this amount of money for your first child (the amount is 597,55 € for each subsequent child).
birth allowance brussels

Sweet, you’re expecting a baby


In Brussels you are entitled to 1314,61 € (first child) or 597,55 € (from the 2nd child on). It takes only a few minutes.
Do not delay in doing this!

allocation familiale

Are you entitled to family benefits?

Are you raising one or more children in Brussels?
Then you are entitled to a monthly financial benefit.

prime de naissance bruxelless

Discover your advantages within Brussels Family

You can depend on Brussels Family. Because we support you financially and legally. Your family’ s well-being means a lot to us.

enceinte prime de naissance

You are pregnant?

Enjoy every single second of it. We’re here to help you claim your birth allowance in just a few minutes. Because once your newborn is here, you’ll have much better things to do.

What do the members of the Brussels Family say about us?

prime de naissance allocations familiales famille

Geza (26)

“When I found out that I was expecting a baby I was delighted of course. But soon after, I became interested in my entitlements. And I have to state that Brussels Family was really great. My application for a birth allowance was processed in just a few minutes. No hassle at all. To tell you the truth, it felt like joining a real family…. my Brussels Family.”

allocations familiales et prime de naissance sur Bruxelles

Kelly (22)

“I was told at a relatively young age that I was expecting a baby. Determined to give my child the best life possible, I started looking for extra income. Then I discovered that as a mother I was entitled to a birth allowance. I applied for it through Brussels Family. Everything went through seamlessly.”

prime de naissance pour parents

Duncan (30)

“Welcome support, quickly organized and I was free to focus on supporting my wife.”

Birth allowance and
family benefits

As soon as you apply for your childbirth allowance, we are there for you. This means that you are automatically registered for child benefits too. Handy, isn’t it? You only have to apply once and we take care of everything else for you.

Your entire Brussels Family makes sure that your family benefits are paid on time every month to give you that extra bit of support.

As of 1 January 2022, you are free to switch to another child benefits fund. Needless to say, we would be delighted to welcome you into our warm Brussels Family. If you would like to join us now, please do so right here.

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