Application for birth allowance

Do you live in Brussels? Then apply for your birth allowance here in just a few steps.

Has your child already been born? Congratulations! In this case, enter their date of birth.

Would you prefer not to submit a digital application?
Download your Formhere, fill it in and send it by post..

If you live in Flanders, you can submit your application via: MyFamily.
f you live in Wallonia, you can submit your application via Camille.

  • Date of birth
  • Mothers info
  • Account number
  • Signature

Who is the mother-to-be?

Please enter the official name (as written on the identity card).

The national identification number is located on the back of the identity card and consists of 11 digits, the first 6 of which indicate the reverse date of birth.
* This field is mandatory

  • Date of birth
  • Mothers info
  • Account number
  • Signature

How much is the birth allowance?

You are entitled to €1.340,90 for a first child and €541.20 for subsequent children (in the case of multiple births, you are entitled to €1.340,90 per child).

To determine the amount, we need additional information.

  • Date of birth
  • Mothers info
  • Account number
  • Signature

Final step!

That was quick, right?

Application for membership

As the beneficiary (this is the mother or failing this, the person who actually raises the child, or, in some cases, the child who receives his or her child benefit), in order to receive the child benefit and/or the birth allowance/adoption allowance, you must confirm that you wish to become affiliated with Brussels Family.

You can sign here

* This field is mandatory


Important information about affiliation with a child benefit fund.

The minimum membership duration is 24 months. After the first day following the 24th month of affiliation, you can change your affiliation (article 26, §2 of the ordinance of 4 April 2019 establishing the payment channel). The decision to change membership shall take effect from the first day of the quarter following that in which the application was sent, unless the application was submitted within the last 15 calendar days of a quarter. In this case, the application will become effective only from the first day of the second quarter following that of the application (article 26, §2, para. 2 of the ordinance of 4 April 2019 establishing the payment circuit). The Brussels Family Family Allowance Fund undertakes not to refuse an application for the affiliation of a beneficiary, except in the cases provided for by law, or to oppose a decision to change organisation (article 4, (9) of the ordinance of 4 April 2019 establishing the payment circuit). Affiliation may under no circumstances give rise to benefits other than those established by the regulations (article 31 of the ordinance of 4 April 2019 establishing the payment circuit).

  • Date of birth
  • Mothers info
  • Account number
  • Certificate
  • Signature

Who is the mother-to-be?

Please enter the official name (as written on the identity card).

The national identification number is located on the back of the identity card and consists of 11 digits, the first 6 of which indicate the reverse date of birth.
* This field is mandatory

  • Date of birth
  • Mothers info
  • Account number
  • Certificate
  • Signature

How much is the birth allowance?

You are entitled to €1.340,90 for a first child and €541.20 for subsequent children (in the case of multiple births, you are entitled to €1.340,90 per child).

To determine the amount, we need additional information.

  • Date of birth
  • Mothers info
  • Account number
  • Certificate
  • Signature

Do you have your pregnancy certificate?

To make sure we are able to pay as soon as possible, we need your doctor's or midwife's certificate.

A legible photo or scan of your doctor's or midwife's certificate is sufficient.
This can be in JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG or PDF format.

You can go to the next step.
Before our payment, we will contact you and ask you to send us the medical certificate.

  • Date of birth
  • Mothers info
  • Account number
  • Certificate
  • Signature

Final step!

That was quick, right?

Application for membership

As the beneficiary (this is the mother or failing this, the person who actually raises the child, or, in some cases, the child who receives his or her child benefit), in order to receive the child benefit and/or the birth allowance/adoption allowance, you must confirm that you wish to become affiliated with Brussels Family.

You can sign here

* This field is mandatory


Important information about affiliation with a child benefit fund.

The minimum membership duration is 24 months. After the first day following the 24th month of affiliation, you can change your affiliation (article 26, §2 of the ordinance of 4 April 2019 establishing the payment channel). The decision to change membership shall take effect from the first day of the quarter following that in which the application was sent, unless the application was submitted within the last 15 calendar days of a quarter. In this case, the application will become effective only from the first day of the second quarter following that of the application (article 26, §2, para. 2 of the ordinance of 4 April 2019 establishing the payment circuit). The Brussels Family Family Allowance Fund undertakes not to refuse an application for the affiliation of a beneficiary, except in the cases provided for by law, or to oppose a decision to change organisation (article 4, (9) of the ordinance of 4 April 2019 establishing the payment circuit). Affiliation may under no circumstances give rise to benefits other than those established by the regulations (article 31 of the ordinance of 4 April 2019 establishing the payment circuit).